SRW Anderstorp AB
Address: Box 92, SE-334 22 Anderstorp
Visiting address: Nennesmovägen 20
Bg: 834-8666
Tel: +46 (0)371-56 41 00
...a racetrack dating from the sixties when the three founders Sven "Smokey" Åsberg, Bertil Sanell and rörkrökar´n Bengtsson formed the racing club ARC over a cup of coffee at Bladhs Cafe in Anderstorp with the vision to arrange Swedens first Formula 1 Grand Prix within 5 years time....
Now we have opened our Webshop! First out are our very appreciated anniversay posters and the book about the story of Scandinavian Raceway.
Read moreNow we have opened the booking function for Boxes and Cabins!
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